May 31st - World No Tobacco Day
Every year on May 31st, World No Tobacco Day is celebrated, drawing attention to the health risks associated with tobacco use. This year, the main theme of World No Tobacco Day is the protection of young people, the protection of younger generations with a special emphasis on “protecting young citizens from manipulation by the tobacco industry and preventing their use of tobacco and nicotine”. WHO announces that the tobacco industry is increasingly targeting young people as a new consumer group, which is particularly vulnerable to addictive tobacco products. This problem is becoming increasingly acute and complex for those, who create anti-tobacco policies in any country.
According to WHO data, around the world 17% of young people aged 15 to 24 smoke tobacco. The European region has the highest percentage of women smokers, while tobacco is consumed by 11.5% of girls and 13.8% of boys aged 13 to 15 years. Although this indicator has been decreasing over recent years, additional efforts must be made to protect these vulnerable age groups.
Modern science believes that smoking is the result of programming a person’s consciousness against his will. A person is programmed under the influence of circumstances that are formed by the world around him, society, and the current situation. In Russia, legislative measures are taken to limit smoking: smoking is forbidden in the zones near schools, medical facilities and other public places. It is forbidden to smoke in a private car if there is a child there.