International Brain Awareness Week is an event that is celebrated annually around the world at the initiative of the Society for Neuroscience.  During the Week, lecturers - scientists, doctors, other specialists in the field of neuroscience - talk about current problems and progress in the study of brain function, treatment of diseases, and pay attention on possible measures for their prevention.  International Brain Week is held in different countries at almost the same time, which makes it possible to focus the attention of the society of each country on the problems that are urgent for all mankind.
St.Petersburg Week of the Brain will be held on March 15th-21st, 2021. It will be devoted to the topic of the influence of genes on the characteristics of the brain.  Using the latest scientific data, it is planned to discuss the contribution of heredity and environmental factors to the formation of individual characteristics of the brain, the degree of contribution of the genome to the variety of psychological and psychophysiological characteristics, to talk about the genetic causes of the development of brain diseases and about genetically determined features in the treatment of mental disorders.
