On October 16, a delegation from the Russian-Chinese Foundation for the Development of Culture, Education and Science visited our University. Cooperation with the Foundation has a twenty-year history
28.10.2024The visit took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere and was a continuation of the online talks organized earlier, on October 9th, 2024.

On October 10-11, 2024, the University delegation participates in the scientific and practical conference "Current issues of organizing emergency medical care"
22.10.2024On October 10-11, 2024, the University delegation participates in the scientific and practical conference "Current issues of organizing emergency medical care: critical conditions in emergency medicine, issues of pathogenesis, diagnostics and intensive care"

On October 9, 2024, negotiations with representatives of the Department of International Relations and the Administration of the Institute of Medicine of the Electrotechnical University (PRC) were organized in online form
22.10.2024On October 9, 2024, negotiations with representatives of the Department of International Relations and the Administration of the Institute of Medicine of the Electrotechnical University (PRC) were organized in online form

On September 23, 2024 a delegation from Gaziantep University (Turkey) visited our University.
Rector of Pavlov University, Sergey Fedorovich Bagnenko, took part in the Healthy Society forum
A meeting with representatives of the equipment manufacturer from China was held in our University
On February 14th, 2024 Sergei Fedorovich Bagnenko took part in the Forum of Future Technologies 2024
The student scientific society of our University took third place in the category “Best SSS of the University” in the second interregional competition of student scientific societies in the North-Western Federal District
On October 16, 2023, a delegation from Samarkand State Medical University visited our University
On October 28, the special event "Assess your risk" was held at Pavlov University.
15.11.2022Today, stroke is one of the most dangerous diseases that requires immediate medical attention. Every year, stroke affects more and more young people, and even children. Every year in Russia, up to 500 thousand people fall ill. Up to 80 percent of patients remain disabled, to some extent lose their independence and quality of life.

On October 28, the final day of the Second All-Russian Scientific and Practical Congress with international participation "Endometriosis - 2022. St. Petersburg" was held
15.11.2022Within the framework of this Congress, Russian and foreign scientists presented reports on the pathophysiology of endometriosis, the tactics of surgical and drug treatment of endometriosis in patients of all ages. The Congress was held both off-line and on-line.

Student of Pavlov University was awarded a diploma of the President of the Russian Federation
15.11.2022On October 27, within the framework of the X St. Petersburg International Health Forum, a resident of the Department of Ophthalmology of our University Prokopchuk Vera Sergeevna was awarded a diploma of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and a commemorative medal "For a disinterested contribution to the organization of the Public Event of Mutual Assistance"# We Are Together ".

World Anesthesia Day | flash mob "Children Save Lives"
15.11.2022October 16 is World Anesthesia Day. Congratulations to all anesthesiologists-resuscitators, as well as those who decided to connect their life with A&R!!! And no less important event - the World Day "Start the Heart". On October 16, a large educational flash mob "Children Save Lives" was held at the Yubileiny Sports Complex.

Students of Pavlov University won the All-Russian Olympiad in the history of medicine among students of medical and pharmaceutical universities.
14.11.2022On October 12-14, 2022 Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, named after A.I. Evdokimov hosted the Ninth All-Russian Olympiad in the history of medicine among students of medical and pharmaceutical universities, dedicated to the history of dentistry (on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of MSMDU).

On June 9-10th, 2022 the 21st Russian Congress (Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation) "Emergency Medical Care-2022" was held, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of our University.
15.06.2022The conference included the 2nd Congress of the Euro-Asian Society for Emergency Medicine (EurASEM), as well as a joint meeting of specialized commissions in the specialties "Emergency Medical Care" and "Disaster Medicine" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. International participants were from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkey and India. Members of the Presidium of the Congress noted that this significant event unites representatives of the Euro-Asian community of emergency medicine, together creating emergency systems and increasing the effectiveness of emergency medical care for citizens.

Minister of Health of the Russian Federation , Mikhail Murashko
11.01.2022I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year! Each of us celebrates this family holiday with the hope of bright changes, that the new year will be less difficult. Regardless of age, each person believes that in the new year all desires will certainly come true, and our loved ones will be next to us and will be healthy. Not long before New Year Eve, we traditionally sum up the results of the outgoing year, make plans for the future and dream.

Pre-Entrance Program Admission of Medical faculty for foreign student begin to work in 2022/2023 study year
31.05.2022Attention! Dear foreign Applicants! The Pre-Entrance Program Admission for foreign citizens of Medical faculty for foreign student begin to work in 2022/2023 study year:

On April 15th,2022 , the XIX annual scientific and practical conference of the Northwestern Federal District "Topical issues of thoracic surgery, oncology and bronchology" was held in our University.
21.04.2022The conference was opened by the Head of the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the Research Institute of Surgery and Emergency Medicine, professor A.L. Akopov. The conference was opened by the Head of the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the Research Institute of Surgery and Emergency Medicine, professor A.L. Akopov. Experts in the field of thoracic surgery, oncology and bronchology presented new data on thymus surgery, treatment of spontaneous rupture of the esophagus, and examined oncological processes in the chest from different perspectives. The conference participants discussed the possibilities of vacuum therapy in the treatment of purulent-inflammatory complications in cardiothoracic surgery, therapy for EGFR-positive lung cancer, and immunotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer. Reports were presented on the clinical and anatomical aspects of changes in the chest and abdominal cavities after pneumonectomy, complications after it in patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as the possibility of their prediction.

The first conference on infectious complications in hematological patients was held on 8-9th of April, 2022.
21.04.2022With the expansion of the possibilities of hematology, the emergence of new molecules and the increase in the life expectancy of patients, the issue of infectious complications in the treatment of hematological diseases and bone marrow transplantation is particularly acute. The two-day program of the event included various aspects of the epidemiology and treatment of patients with infectious complications, including resistant, bacterial, fungal, viral infections, COVID-19, as well as new methods of diagnosis and treatment of infection control.

On March 11-12th, 2022 the VI North-West Hematology Forum "Modern aspects of the treatment of lymphoproliferative diseases and acute leukemia" was held.
24.03.2022The forum was opened by the Rector of the University, S.F. Bagnenko. He underlined the special significance of the traditional March forums and the September Symposiums of Raisa Gorbacheva Memorial Research Institute of Children Oncology, Hematology and Transplantation,where every six months the most relevant achievements in such rapidly developing areas as oncology, hematology, immunotherapy, and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation are discussed, which are necessary in order to maintain and develop competencies in these areas.

Dear students!
02.03.2022Dear students! Our university has a free psychological service for students and university staff. If you find yourself in a psychologically difficult situation and you need the help of a specialist, you can contact our psychologists: 1. In the outpatient department of our university. Consultations are conducted by teachers of the Department of General and Clinical Psychology. You can sign up at the student reception - room 41. 2. In the student psychological center. Consultations are conducted by psychology students of 5-6 courses. You can sign up through the VK group: https://vk.com/stud_psy_centre or via e-mail studentpsychologicalcenter@gmail.com

Vaskelovo ice rink is opened now!!
01.03.2022The skating rink at the Vaskelovo training and sports centre is open to the public now. The educational and recreational centre with a sports club in the village of Vaskelovo serves as a good place for outdoor sports events and physical education classes. Students can train in various sports, including winter ones - the centre is equipped with the necessary equipment for skiing, and now skating. Not only students can visit the skating rink as part of scheduled classes, but also University employees who come to Vaskelovo on their own. Welcome!

On January 25-27,2022 the 14th international educational exhibition "Gaudeamus" was held in Prague.
28.01.2022Our University was represented at the international educational exhibition "Gaudeamus-Prague 2022" by the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo Russian House in Prague as part of the development of the program of internationalization and export of Russian education. This year, 240 different educational institutions from 8 countries of the world were participating in the exhibition.

Happy Student Day-2022!
28.01.2022Student life is not just a period of life, it is a state of mind. I congratulate students of all generations, and especially students of current time. I would like to remind you that this time is actually a great holiday, in which several factors combine: transience of student everyday life, the intensity of the exams and the confidence that everything just begins.Our University is open to you. I am sure that you will be able to use the opportunities of alma mater not only in education, but also in science, sports, creativity and social life.

Happy New Year-2022!
11.01.2022Perhaps no holiday can be compared with the New Year. We associate our cherished desires with it, always preparing for a meeting with it with the hope for the bes

University Gala Day-2021
12.01.2022Gala Day-2021,dedicated to the 124th Anniversary of the University, was held in the Great Hall of the Philharmonic named after D.D. Shostakovich on December 8th, 2021.

On November 24,2021, a videoconference was held between our University and "Rossotrudnichestvo" Russian House office in Brussels (Belgium) in the framework of the development of internationalization and export of Russian education.
17.12.2021The Rector of our University S.F. Bagnenko, Vice-Rector for International Relations A.N. Yaitski, Deputy Dean of the Medical Faculty of Foreign Students K.A. Khmelnitskaya, leading interpreter V.A. Gavrilina participated in this event from Pavlov University. M.V. Volkova was representative of Rossotrudnichestvo in Russian House in Brussels. The video broadcast was carried out online and attracted the attention of listeners and participants.

Foreign students began their studies at the distance preparatory department of the medical faculty of foreign students.
17.12.2021143 foreign students from Algeria, Tunisia, India, Egypt, Cameroon, Nigeria, Greece, Syria, China, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Iran, Morocco, Israel have started online classes at the distance preparatory department of the Faculty of Medicine for foreign students.

Official visit to Tashkent-2021
26.11.2021On November 11-12th, 2021, the delegation of our University, headed by the Rector, academician S.F. Bagnenko visited Tashkent, where it took part in the 5th Congress of the Association of Emergency Doctors of Uzbekistan and the 1st Congress of the Eurasian Community of Emergency Medicine. Also within the framework of the visit, a meeting was held with the director of the Center for the Development of Professional Qualifications of doctors of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan Kh.A. Akilov. As a result of the meeting, Memorandum of Cooperation was signed. The main subject of the Memorandum is the development of cooperation in the field of educational activities, scientific research in the field of health care.

On October 20-22, 2021, the Congress "Innovations in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology" was held
29.10.2021On October 20-22nd, 2021 the 3rd Russian Scientific and Practical Congress with international participation "Innovations in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology" was held, dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the founding of the first Russian obstetric and gynecological society in St. Petersburg.

October 14-16th, 2021 the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Medical (Clinical) Psychology: Historical Traditions and Modern Practice" was held
22.10.2021This year's special subject of the conference was the "Multidisciplinary approach in the rehabilitation of patients with aphasias."

Dear foreign Applicants!
11.10.2021From October, 1, 2021 the registration and submission of documents started for the Pre-Entrance Program in distance online format for foreign citizens for 2021/2022 study year.

On September 28th, 2021 vaccination of foreign students of our University has started. The vaccination place is deployed in the hostel number 4 at Roentgen str, 10.
30.09.2021Vaccination is carried out by Sputnik Light. In order to minimize the danger to students, patients and doctors and ensure maximum comfort, the vaccination center is organized in a specially equipped room of the hostel No. 4. On September 28, 40 foreign students were vaccinated, and on September 29 it is planned to vaccinate another 70 people. The end date of vaccination will be announced later.

the XV International Symposium “Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Children and Adults. Gene and Cell Therapy "
24.09.2021On September 16-18th,2021 the XV International Symposium “Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Children and Adults. Gene and Cell Therapy " took place, organized by our University and the Foundation for Supporting the Development of Bone Marrow Transplantation.

Our University is in the ranking of the best universities in the World-2022!
02.09.2021Our University is in the ranking of the best universities in the World-2022!

Priority 2030
13.09.2021The work of the commission of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation on the selection of participants in the "Priority 2030" program has started!!

Welcome to Student Life-2021!!
01.09.2021All freshmen of our university were invited to Gala Ceremony in DK Lensoveta on 31st of August, 2021.

Attention to foreign students arriving from abroad in order to study in our University:
28.07.2021The University forms special lists with all necessary information for transmitting data on incoming foreign students to the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)" and only after checking and approving the submitted data, foreign students can enter the territory of Russian Federation.

04.06.2021First Pavlov State Medical University Admission Board for Foreign students begins to work in 2021/2022.

Dear applicants!
03.06.2021We hope you are already familiar with our University newspaper. If not, now is the time to read May 2021 edition. This month, the editors have collected the most relevant and useful information for you.

Our University became one of 10 medical universities included in the top-100 best universities in Russia according to Forbes.
02.06.2021Forbes magazine published a rating of the best Russian universities, assessing them by the quality of education, the level of demand for graduates among employers and the university's presence in leading foreign rankings.

Dear foreign applicants
02.06.2021We inform you that the following deadlines for accepting documents are established for foreign citizens and stateless persons:

Memorandum was signed between the Samarkand State Medical Institute and Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University.
27.05.2021The Samarkand State Medical Institute hosted an international scientific and practical conference "Interdisciplinary approach to diseases of the head and neck." More than 150 specialists from leading medical universities in Russia, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Turkey, India, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan discussed head and neck diseases, as well as the involvement of young researchers in scientific activities and the effective use of their potential.

On May 13-15, a scientific conference dedicated to the 80th birthday of Alexander Kirillovich Kosourov was held.
19.05.2021At the opening ceremony, the chairman of the organizing committee of the conference, Rector of the University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor S.F. Bagnenko, as well as co-chairs: Head of the Department of Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery named after Professor M.G. Privesa, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.L. Akopov, Director of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, President of the Scientific Medical Society of Anatomists, Histologists and Embryologists of Russia, Professor, Corresponding

Victory Day-2021
19.05.2021On May 9th, the staff of the University together with their families celebrated Victory Day at the sports and recreation center of the Pavlov University in Vaskelovo village.

Our University is in Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2021!
28.04.2021The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2021 has been published

Please follow the current news
07.04.2021Dear students, please follow the current news and check this link: http://foreigndean.ru/news.htm

Festival "To Museum - Today, to Science - Tomorrow"-2021
01.04.2021Senior pupils had the opportunity to see the life of medical university during 3 days. This event was held in the city for the 4th time with support of the Committee for Science and the Higher School of St. Petersburg.

Retaking the exam in chemistry for foreign students of the medical and dental faculties!
19.03.2021Retaking the exam in chemistry for foreign students of medical and dental faculties will be held remotely on March 22nd. The exam starts at 15-00.

Happy Women's Day-2021!!!
11.03.20218th of March is the first spring holiday and a wonderful occasion to express once again our admiration and gratitude for women!

International Brain Awareness Week 2021
20.02.2021St.Petersburg Week of the Brain will be held on March 15th-21st, 2021

Pavlov University took 9th place in Russian universities' ranking!
11.02.2021The best Russian universities were named according to students' opinion.

Dear students, parents and teachers!
20.01.2021Recently, there have been more frequent appeals from students about conflicts in student groups, and between teachers and students.

Dear colleagues and friends!
11.01.2021We are waiting for good changes, a miracle since childhood on New Year's Eve.

Classes for foreign students started at the new Pre-entrance Program department in Distance format of the Medical Faculty of foreign students
16.12.2020Classes for foreign students started at the new Pre-entrance Program department in Distance format of the Medical Faculty of foreign students In October 2020, a new Pre-entrance Program department in Distance format was opened at the Faculty of Medical Faculty of foreign students.

Russian doctors help the colleagues from Palestine.
04.12.2020The situation with the coronavirus has dramatically worsened in Palestine - 2,000 new cases are detected there every day.

8th International Conference "Modern biotechnology for science and practice",dedicated to DNA Day 2021,will be held on April 22th - 23d, 2021 in St. Petersburg.
25.11.2020This year, the conference will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, given to Otto Heinrich Warburg "for the discovery of the nature and mechanism of action of the respiratory enzyme."

The Center for the Treatment of COVID-19 Infection started operations again in Pavlov First St.Petersburg State Medical University on November 1st, 2020.
05.11.2020The Center is fully equipped and meets all the standards of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Forum of Small Museums-2020
22.10.2020This year, due to the restrictions regime, the main format of the festival was supplemented with an online program. The organizer of this event is the Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg, the Memorial Museum "Raznochinny Petersburg" and the Citywide Center for Theory and Practice of Museum Affairs.

September 16-19, 2020 the XIV International Symposium in memory of R.M. Gorbacheva “Transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells. Gene and Cell Therapy "
22.10.2020This year's traditional Symposium was not the same as always. It was held in a combined format, only a small part of the participants was able to take part in offline work. And Boris Vladimirovich Afanasyev was not with us

23.09.2020• Currently, due to the continued implementation of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, there is still no permission for foreign students to enter Russia in order to study, as well as to issue the invitations for visa students. The boarders are closed. And currently it's still unknown, when they will be opened. All students, who are abroad, should begin their education in a distance form.

Scientists have learned how to diagnose coronary heart disease by blood test
10.09.2020Researchers from our University: Polyakova E.A., Zaraisky M.I., Mikhailov E.N., Baranova E.I., Galagudza M.M. under supervision of the Head of Faculty Therapy Department, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yevgeny Vladimirovich Shlyakhto made scientific discovery.

Welcome freshmen-2020!
04.09.2020On August 31st, ceremony, dedicated to Freshmen-2020, took place in our University. The official part was opened by professor Sergei Fedorovich Bagnenko. In his welcoming speech, Rector congratulated the students on a new stage in their long life, noting that our University educates doctors not only with remarkable abilities, the ability to analyze, diagnose, but also with a wonderful heart, a sincere desire to help people. 

Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation "XII Pluzhnikov Readings" will take place on 7-8th September , 2020.
17.08.2020The annual event dedicated to the memory of the outstanding ENT professor Marius Stefanovich Pluzhnikov, according to a long-term tradition, always takes place in different cities of Russia and abroad. However, this year organizers of the event, taking into account the current epidemiological situation, decided to switch the conference into an interactive online format.

A meeting of the scientific and educational medical cluster of the North-West Federal District "Western" took place on July 7th, 2020.
15.07.2020Representatives of medical and technical universities discussed the prospects for joint participation in the Strategic Academic Leadership Program (PSAL), presented last month by Russian Minister of Science and Higher Education V.N.Falkov.

Graduation Day-2020

The First International Congress "Multidisciplinary Aesthetic Medicine: Science, Practice, Beauty (SPB)" will take place on 25-28th of June, 2020
19.06.2020The First International Congress "Multidisciplinary Aesthetic Medicine: Science, Practice, Beauty (SPB)" will take place on 25-28th of June, 2020

Dear students!
05.06.2020This year a lot of people all over the world faced pandemic problems, caused by new COVID-19 infection. They took a fresh look at the profession of a doctor.

University sincerely thanks the Chekhov Family restaurant group for their attention and support!
01.06.2020Our neighbors, the Chekhov restaurant, delivered delicious fresh pies of their own production to those doctors, who are fighting currently with COVID infection in our University

May 31st - World No Tobacco Day
01.06.2020Every year on May 31st, World No Tobacco Day is celebrated, drawing attention to the health risks associated with tobacco use.

Dear students!
22.05.2020Please check if you have health insurance ! In this difficult situation it is necessary to have it!

17th May- World AIDS Day!
18.05.202017th May- World AIDS Day! The symbol of movement is a red ribbon. For the first time in history, this day was celebrated back in 1983 in San Francisco, USA.

Our University received more than 200 patients with coronavirus with moderate and severe symptoms.
18.05.2020Our University received more than 200 patients with coronavirus with moderate and severe symptoms.

Attention! Admission Board for Foreign students begins to work in 2020/2021
15.05.2020First Pavlov State Medical University Admission Board for Foreign students begins to work in 2020/2021

The Center for the Treatment of COVID-19 Infection started operations in Pavlov First St.Petersburg State Medical University on April 30, 2020
07.05.2020The Center for the Treatment of COVID-19 Infection started operations in Pavlov First St.Petersburg State Medical University on April 30, 2020, becoming the first federal institution in St. Petersburg to accept patients infected with the new coronavirus.

Specialists of General and Clinical Psychology Department have made decision to offer psychological assistance to everyone for the period of self-isolation until 11/05/2020.
30.04.2020We will work with your fears, anxiety and other psychological difficulties that arose during self-isolation. Consultations are free of charge. You can contact specialists via instagram.

University thanks Finnish Supermarket Chain PRISMA for attention and support!
29.04.2020On April 24th, The Finnish supermarket chain PRISMA brought delicious gifts for those students, who are currently on quarantine in hostel No. 3. Boxes with individual bags were contactlessly transferred to the hostel. Snacks and sweets positively suprised students.

Our University took 95th place in "The Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2020".
23.04.2020On April 22th , 2020, the results of the International University Rating "The Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2020" were announced. The rating assesses the contribution of educational institutions to work on critical areas of sustainable development according to the UN. 766 higher education institutions from 85 countries took part in the ranking this year.

Centre for treatment of Acute Cardiac Death will be opened in our University.
16.04.2020Centre for treatment of Acute Cardiac Death will be opened in our University. Centre for treatment of Acute Cardiac Death will be created on the basis of the inpatient emergency department of our University. This decision was approved at the Academic Council on March 16th,2019.

Interview with Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, professor Yaremenko A.I.
16.04.2020Interview with Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, professor Yaremenko A.I. On March 16th, during the meeting of the Academic Council, it was decided to transfer our students to distance learning. The University became empty, most of the conferences were canceled, some were held online.

Please have a look at the interview with Rector of our University. Academician Sergey Bagnenko answers the questions about coronavirus COVID-19.
14.04.2020Dear students, Please have a look at the interview with Rector of our University. Academician Sergey Bagnenko answers the questions about coronavirus COVID-19.

Speech of Yaitsky A.N. to foreign students of PSPbGMU:
14.04.2020Speech of Yaitsky A.N. to foreign students of PSPbGMU: "Dear foreign students of our University!

Dear students!!
03.04.2020Dear students!! Please stay at home and be self-isolated!! Follow the rules, established by the City government. Do not leave the places of residence, except cases determined by the City government. The self-isolation regime is extended until April 30th.

Russian Scientific and Practical Congress with international participation "Canis Therapy Today and Tomorrow"
11.03.2020Russian Scientific and Practical Congress with international participation "Canis Therapy Today and Tomorrow". took place on 7th-8th February 2020. We thank everyone for participation in this congress!

Dear students-citizens of foreign countries!
02.04.2020Dear students-citizens of foreign countries! Due to the current epidemiological situation we would like to provide you with the information regarding COVID-2019:

ENT specialists from Finland visited our University on 13th of February 2020.
10.03.2020ENT specialists from Finland visited our University on 13th of February 2020. Our University hosted a seminar organized by the staff of ENT department in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Helsinki, Finland. The Finnish delegation consisted of : professor Antti Makitie, Head of ENT Department, Teemu Kinnari, Clinical Lecturer , Petra Pietarinen, Clinical Lecturer , Satu Janhunen, Clinical Nurse. From Russian side the meeting was attended by Rector, professor S.F. Bagnenko, Vice-Rector for International Relations, professor A.N. Yaitsky, Head of the Department of International Relations S.Y. Borovets, Head of ENT Department, professor S.A. Karpishchenko, Leading translator of the Department of External Relations V.A. Gavrilina.

On January 24th , the University’s sports complex hosted the annual Tatyana’s Day sports event
20.02.2020On January 24th , the University’s sports complex hosted the annual Tatyana’s Day sports event dedicated to International Student Day. It was attended by 5 student teams from different faculties. According to the results of the competition, first place was taken by medical faculty of foreign students (Vice-Dean Victoria Alexandrovna Gavrilina)

Russian Scientific and Practical Congress with international participation "Canis Therapy Today and Tomorrow". took place on 7th-8th February 2020. We thank everyone for participation in this congress!
20.02.2020Russian Scientific and Practical Congress with international participation "Canis Therapy Today and Tomorrow". took place on 7th-8th February 2020. We thank everyone for participation in this congress!

Attention! Prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection caused by 2019-nCoV!
12.02.2020Use respiratory protective equipment (masks); Do not visit markets selling seafood, animals; Do not attend zoos, cultural events involving animals; Use only thermally processed food, bottled water;

Congratulations to medical students from Minister of Health of Russia Mikhail Murashko:
30.01.2020Dear friends! I congratulate all students, teachers and employees of medical and pharmaceutical universities with Student's Day - Tatyana's Day! Student years are very happy years, but also the most responsible ones. Some people remember them as the best time of life, when every day a new, interesting and extremely important thing opens up - the first knowledge is formed in the world's best profession - medicine. Medicine has many specialties and areas: from molecular biology, genetics to outpatient therapy. Everyone finds his own way in it. But the main thing is to remember Hippocrates' words: to treat not a disease, but a patient.

Attention to all students arriving from China!!!
27.01.2020All students arriving from China on 13th of January 2020 and later!!!

Pavlov First St.Petersburg State Medical University wishes Happy New Year to all colleagues, students and friends!
13.01.2020The sounds of the New Year’s ball disappeared, the roar of fireworks is no longer heard The New Year has come … We want to wish you a lot of health, everyday optimism and fulfillment of dreams and New Year’s resolutions!

University Gala Day took place on 9th of December, 2019. It was dedicated to the 122st Anniversary of our University.
17.12.2019University Gala Day took place on 9th of December, 2019. It was dedicated to the 122st Anniversary of our University. The event was held in the Grand Hall of D.D.Shostakovich St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonia. Guests were greeted by Rector Sergey Bagnenko.

Christian BYK from Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee of UNESCO visited our University on 2nd of November, 2019.
17.12.2019Christian BYK from Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee of UNESCO visited our University on 2nd of November, 2019. The issues of teaching medical bioethics in medical educational institutions were discussed. The parties talked about the possibility to participate in international conferences on bioethics. Our University was presented from a historical and social point of view as a possible place to open a regional representative office on bioethics under UNESCO.

Pavlov First St.Petersburg State Medical University was visited by guests from Tehran on 7th of October, 2019.
31.10.2019Tehran Medical University is the leading medical University in the Middle East and includes 11 faculties, more than one hundred research centers, 16 university clinics with 5800 beds. Representatives of this University came to discuss potential cooperation - Vice-Rector for Global Strategies and International Affairs Ramin Cordi, Head of International Cooperation Alireza Namazi, Dean of the Medical Faculty Shahriyar Nafisi and Dean of Pharmacy Faculty of Mohammad Sharifzade.

University develops international relations.
23.10.2019A delegation from University of Kanazawa visited our University on 12th -13th of September, 2019 and took part in Russian-Japanese scientific symposium.

Welcome to University!
12.09.2019The Gala event , dedicated to the freshmen-2019, was held in the House of Culture "DK Lensoveta" on 31st of August, 2019.

A delegation from the Beijing Municipal Health Commission (China) visited our University on 18th of July, 2019.
12.09.2019The visit was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere

International online conference "Modern aspects of diseases treatment in the maxillofacial field" will take place on 25th of April, 2019
18.03.2019Department of Dental Surgery and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Foreign Languages of Pavlov First St.Petersburg State Medical University invites students and young scientists to take part in the international online conference " Modern aspects of diseases treatment in the maxillofacial field"!

Lecture: «The Matryoshka-type strategy of human pathogens and Japanese challenges of the elimination of parasitic diseases» will be held on 22nd of March, 2019 at 13.00 (MSK)
18.03.2019The Consulate General of Japan in St. Petersburg invited Mrs. Fumi Murakoshi, an associate professor at the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine.

28th February -1st March, 2019: Second Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference of the Central Region of Russia with International Participation "Current issues of introducing innovative technologies into the practice of emergency medical care"
18.03.2019During the conference, master classes were held on emergency medical assistance events using simulation equipment. The main questions of the conference were...

The conference “Dental education and science of the XXI century” took place on 25th -26th of January 2019
06.02.2019The Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery held the Anniversary Scientific and Practical Conference of Dentists and Maxillofacial Surgeons dedicated to the 120th anniversary of dental education in the Russian Federation "Dental Education and Science of the XXI Century".

Happy Students’ Day!
06.02.2019Minister of Health of Russia Veronika Skvortsova congratulations on the Russian Students Day

Events dedicated to the International Day of DNA. April 25-26, 2019
24.01.2019the VI International conference "Modern biotechnology for science and practice" will be held again from April 25-26, 2019, in St. Petersburg, Russia. It will focus on the topic: New biotechnology approaches in biology and medicine.

Winter Universiade 2019 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
27.12.2018March 2-12, 2019 for 11 days Krasnoyarsk will become the host city of the world University winter sport. The first in Russia 1.5 billion spectators Over 50 countries will participate in winter Universiade 2019 11 000 spectators will visit the opening and closing ceremonies of the games 665 flame bearers will participate in the Universiade flame

The Anniversary scientific-practical conference of dentists and maxillofacial surgeons will take place on 25th-26th of January, 2019
24.01.2019The event is dedicated to the 120th Anniversary of dental education in the Russian Federation "Dental education and science of the XXI century". Venue: St. Petersburg, Lev Tolstoy street, 6-8, building №4, lecture hall №5. Date: January 25-26, 2019 Contact person: Ph.D. Natalia Pakhomova, tel .: 89312049687, email: dr.pnv25@yandex.ru.

2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Minimally invasive technologies in the treatment of pelvic prolapse and urinary incontinence among women"
12.11.2018We invite the colleagues to take part in the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Minimally invasive technologies in the treatment of pelvic prolapse and urinary incontinence among women". This event will be dedicated to the 150th anniversary of prof. D.I. Shirshov.

University Assembly Day took place on 10th of December, 2018. It was dedicated to the 121st Anniversary of our University
21.12.2018The event was held in the Grand Hall of D.D.Shostakovich St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonia. Guests were greeted by Rector Sergey Bagnenko.

ECNP Seminar 16-18 November 2018 Saint Petersburg (Russia)
19.10.2018ECNP Seminars are small-scale, interactive training courses in neuropsychopharmacology. The aim of ECNP Seminar is to increase the level of knowledge of and skills in neuropsychopharmacology of future leading researchers and practitioners in locations where limited opportunities exist to attend international meetings.

We invite you to take part in International Scientific and Practical Conference “Dentistry of the 21st Century. Safe dentistry".
01.11.2018The conference will be held on 30th October ,2018 at ExpoForum.

We invite you to take part in International Scientific and Practical Conference "Dentistry of the XXI Century" "Periodontology: realities and prospects. Problems and solutions"
01.11.2018The conference will be held on 31st October ,2018 at ExpoForum.

The visit of Pavlov First St.Petersburg State Medical University delegation to Warsaw Medical University
01.11.2018Delegation from our Univeristy visited Warsaw Medical University on 15th October, 2018.

Congress with international participation "Days of Rheumatology in St. Petersburg - 2018" on 1st -3rd November 2018
19.10.2018We invite you to take part in Russian Congress with international participation "Days of Rheumatology in St. Petersburg - 2018" on 1st -3rd November 2018.

XXXII Annual Meeting of International Academy of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, X Jubilee Marius Plouzhnikov Memorial Lecturing
17.10.2018The meeting was held in a nice place of the downtown Antwerp - Convention Center Elzenveld.The Honored Doctor and the Visiting Professor of Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University Prof. Dr.med.Dr.h.c. Bert Schmelzer was the Chairman and the host of the XXXII Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (IAO-HNS) and the X Jubillee Marius Plouzhnikov Memorial Lecturing.

7 October 2018. 1th International scientific-practical conference "How to use ICF in rehabilitation"
05.10.2018The conference is held according to the plan of scientific and practical events of the Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

XII International Symposium of Remembrance of R.M. Gorbacheva "Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: Gene and Cellular Therapy"
19.10.2018On 20th -22nd September 2018, XII International Symposium of Remembrance of R.M. Gorbacheva "Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: Gene and Cellular Therapy" will take place in St.Petersburg.

On 12th July 2018 the delegation from Central Southern University (China) visited our University
26.07.2018The visit was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Visit of Canadian residents to the Department of Neurology on 18th -22nd June, 2018
26.07.2018Three Canadian clinical residents visited our department of Neurology, headed by the academician of Russian Academy of Sciences A.A. Skoromets.

XVII Russian Scientific-Practical Conference with international participation "Emergency medical care - 2018"will be held from 31st May to 1st June 2018
31.05.2018This event is dedicated to the 135th anniversary of Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor I.I. Dzhanelidze.

April 26,27 2018. Events dedicated to the International Day of DNA
26.04.2018Dear Colleagues and Friends,Scientific and Methodological Center for the Russian Health Ministry on Molecular Medicine, Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University, the Federation of laboratory medicine and "Medical information-analytical centre" are glad to announce that the V International conference "Modern biotechnology for science and practice" will be held again from April 26-27, 2018, in St. Petersburg, Russia. It will focus on the topic: New biotechnology approaches in biology and medicine.

20 students from University of Kanazawa (Japan) visited our University on 19th of March, 2018
19.03.2018It was the next step in the development of Russian-Japanese inter-university cooperation, in which our University has been actively involved since last year.

Web of Science Awards-2017 took place in Moscow on 15th of February 2018
15.02.2018This award is given to scientists and scientific organizations for outstanding contribution to the development of science.

Kanazawa University Kick-off Symposium for MEXT ’Inter-University Exchange Project’
26.01.2018Kanazawa University Kick-off Symposium for MEXT 'Inter-University Exchange Project' -'Training Program for Russia-Japan Innovative Leaders of Tomorrow' took place in Kanazawa on January 17th, and more than 120 people participated from home and abroad.

Conference of Young Scientists with International Participation "Current Problems of Biomedicine - 2018" will be held in St.Petersburg on 12-13rd April, 2018
10.01.2018Scientific and Educational Institute of Biomedicine in our University and North-West Medical Academy named after I.I. Mechnikov with the support of St. Petersburg Society of Pathophysiologists organize this conference.

From 6th to 8th December 2017, VII International Youth Medical Congress "St. Petersburg Scientific Readings-2017" will be held in our University
06.12.2017The International Youth Medical Congress is one of the largest scientific forums for students and young scientists in St. Petersburg.

From 17th to 20th October 2017, the 27th National Congress on Respiratory Diseases is held in St. Petersburg
20.10.2017Organizers: Russian Respiratory Society, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation Venue: Park Inn Radisson "Pribaltiyskaya", St. Petersburg, Vasilevsky Island, Korablestroiteley str. , building 14. President of the Congress: Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences Professor G.B. Fedoseev. Vice-presidents of the Congress: Professor V.I. Trofimov, Professor N.L. Shaporova.

On 16th November 2017, delegation from China visited our university
16.11.2017The visit was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. An English video about our University was shown to Chinese colleagues. The Chinese side also demonstrated a video about Chinese-Russian Innovation Center, established in Qingdao (China). Both sides discussed the possibility of creation such Innovation Center on the territory of Pavlov First St.Petersburg State Medical University. Both sides expressed interest in establishing and developing bilateral relations in the field of science, education and medicine.

Today, on 26th September 2017, Our University celebrates 120th Anniversary from its foundation
26.09.2017Today, on 26th September 2017, Our University celebrates 120th Anniversary from its foundation.

26-28th March, 2018 II International Conference "Hemostasis, thrombosis and reproduction. Interdisciplinary approach"
13.03.2018Find more about the main areas of the conference program.

We invite everyone to participate in the work of Scientific and Practical Congress with international participation "Kanis-therapy today and tomorrow"
09.02.2018Congress will be held on 9th-10th February 2018 in our University.

International Scientific Conference "Actual problems of the development of higher medical education in Russia XVIII - XXI centuries"
09.11.2017International Scientific Conference "Actual problems of the development of higher medical education in Russia XVIII - XXI centuries" was held in our University on 9th November 2017.

Our Rector, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Sergey Fedorovich Bagnenko celebrated his 60th Anniversary on 22nd September.
22.09.2017Our Rector, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Sergey Fedorovich Bagnenko celebrated his 60th Anniversary on 22nd September. The staff of University congratulates Sergey Fedorovich , wishes him good health, new creative projects and power for their realization!

On 2nd and 3rd November 2017, the 28th International Scientific and Technical Conference "Extreme Robotics (ER-2017)" was organized
03.11.2017On 2nd and 3rd November 2017, the 28th International Scientific and Technical Conference "Extreme Robotics (ER-2017)" was organized, in which leading experts in the field of robotics, as well as representatives of different ministries and department, took part.

From 19th to 22nd September 2017, the XXIV Congress of the Association of hepatopancreatobiliary surgeons of CIS countries "Actual problems of hepatopancreatobiliary surgery" took place in St.Petersburg
22.09.2017From 19th to 22nd September 2017, the XXIV Congress of the Association of hepatopancreatobiliary surgeons of CIS countries "Actual problems of hepatopancreatobiliary surgery" took place in St.Petersburg.

From 26th to 28th October 2017, our University was the venue for International Scientific Congress "Innovations in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction"
28.10.2017The Forum was held in the historical center of St. Petersburg - on the Petrograd side, where during more than 100 years highly qualified medical care is provided to population of St.Petersburg and other cities.

From 14th to 16th September 2017, International Symposium took place in memory of R.M. Gorbacheva "Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Gene and Cellular Therapy”
16.09.2017From 14th to 16th September 2017, International Symposium took place in memory of R.M. Gorbacheva "Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Gene and Cellular Therapy”.

On 2nd June 2017, the traditional festival "We are the future doctors of the world" was held in the concert hall of the Petrograd district Administration
02.06.2017On 2nd June 2017, the traditional festival "We are the future doctors of the world" was held in the concert hall of the Petrograd district Administration. This event was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of medical faculty of foreign students in our University.