Venue: Pavlov First St.Petersburg State Medical University, str.Lva Tolstogo 6-8, Conference-Hall.

The Consulate General of Japan in St. Petersburg invited Mrs. Fumi Murakoshi, an associate professor at the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine. She studies infectious diseases and will hold a lecture and scientific exchange with young Russian students and scientists. As part of the lecture, Mrs. Murakoshi will tell the audience about the history of the study of viruses in Japan, as well as the latest results of their own research. In a fascinating form, she will talk about the symbiosis of humans and viruses, using as a conceptual model such a national craft symbolizing Russia as “Matreshka”, which is reflected in the title of the lecture. In addition, at the end of the lecture it will be possible to talk with a young Japanese scientist.  And who knows, maybe during this event it will be possible to open a new field for research?
