The University forms special lists with all necessary information for transmitting data on incoming foreign students to the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)" and only after checking and approving the submitted data, foreign students can enter the territory of Russian Federation.
Based on the order of Pavlov University "On the approval of the algorithm for the return to the University of foreign students who have left the Russian Federation" dated 20.04.2021 No. 285, the following entry algorithm was approved:
- Notify your dean of the faculty / course of your arrival by e-mails, which are indicated on this page of the site, write the faculty, course, group number and full name of the foreign student;
- Submit a completed electronic application for entry no later than 10 days before the date of your planned arrival to Russian Federation. Agree with your dean on the planned date of entry, a place for self-isolation and a place for performing a PCR test (it is recommended - in case of travelling by plane- to do PCR at the airport by arrival);
- Get approval for your application;
- Perform a PCR test for Covid-19 no earlier than 72 hours before entry, obtain in your country the corresponding document in Russian or English, send a scan of the test result to your dean and enter only if this test is negative, for citizens of countries - members of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as Tajikistan, the Azerbaijan Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan (see paragraph 9);
- Perform the PCR test for Covid-19 again within 72 hours from the moment of entering the Russian Federation (it is recommended to do the PCR test for Covid-19 at the airport upon arrival);
- Isolate yourself until you get a negative test result. In case of check-in in a hostel(dormitory), the date and time of arrival, isolation in the hostel must be agreed with your dean in advance prior to arrival.
- In case of a negative test result for Covid-19, the dean of the faculty decides when self-isolation period is finished and when student can start to study full-time.
- In case of a positive test result for Covid-19, immediately inform the dean by e-mail on this page of the site, follow the further recommendations of the dean and the requirements of the supervising medical and epidemiological department of the University, aimed at preventing the spread of Covid-19 infection.
- Citizens of countries-members of the Eurasian Economic Union (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan) and the Republic of Tajikistan from July 10, 2021, and citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan - from September 1, 2021 at the State borders of the Russian Federation should confirm the presence of a negative PCR test for Covid-19, taken no earlier than three calendar days before arrival, using the mobile application "Traveling without COVID-19".
You can find information about the list of "open" countries at
Mеdical students of foreign faculty agree on their entry and send their electronic application by e-mail to their deans:
Questions about invitations for a visa should be resolved with deans of the medical faculty of foreign students:
Еlectronic application form for Unified Govermental Portal of Public Services .(sample)
Еlectronic application form for Unified Govermental Portal of Public Services (for filling in)