Pavlov University Publishing House issues 5 medical journals, including:

Cellular Therapy and Transplantation (Клеточная Терапия и Трансплантация), English, Russian abstracts

Records of the I. P. Pavlov St. Petersburg State Medical University (Uchenye Zapiski St-Peterburgskogo Medizinskogo Universiteta imeni I.Pavlova), Russian, English abstracts

Respiratory Diseases (Bolezni ogranov Dykhania), Russian, English abstracts

Grekov’ Bulletin of Surgery (Vestnik Khirurgii im. Grekova), Russian, English abstracts

Clinical Laboratory Consilium (Kliniko-Laboratornyi Konsilium), Russian, English abstracts

Regionary Blood Flow and Circulation (Regionarnoe Krovoobrashenie I Cirkulatsia), Russian, English abstracts

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