Our University was visited by a delegation from the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina

From October 1, online registration and acceptance of documents for the REMOTE ONLINE PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT FOR FOREIGN CITIZENS of the Faculty of Medicine for Foreign Students has opened

On September 30, 2024, the Consul General of China in St. Petersburg, Mr. Luo Zhanhui, held a gala reception to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

On August 7 - 9, 2024, Cairo hosted the largest and most significant dental conference and exhibition in Egypt and the Middle East - IDEX 2024

On September 23, 2024 a delegation from Gaziantep University (Turkey) visited our University.

International Forum "Days of Virology 2024"

International Olympics-2024!

On August 31, 2024, the Freshman Day was held on the territory of our University

Sergey Fedorovich Bagnenko spoke at the ceremonial meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Rector of Pavlov University, Sergey Fedorovich Bagnenko, took part in the Healthy Society forum

On June 4,2024, our University was visited by a delegation from Samarkand (Uzbekistan)

On June 27th, 2024, a ceremonial presentation of diplomas to 6th year graduates took place in our University

On June 18, 2024, a meeting with representatives of the Samarkand State Medical University, headed by its Rector Zhasur Alimdzhanovich Rizaev, was organized at our University

On May 24, 2024, our students of the medical faculty of foreign students took part in the Forum "Africa Day. Education for the Future", which was held on the basis of the St. Petersburg Mining University of Empress Catherine II

On May 13th, 2024 our University was visited by the adviser of the Iranian-Russian Center for Inter-University Cooperation in the Russian Federation and CIS countries, Abbas Ali Gakhari

Our University became one of five medical universities in Russia included in the ranking of the best universities in the world according to QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024

The Online Learning student Survey, run by Times Higher Education, is now open – and we would love you to take part

On 3rd of April,2024 foreign students of the preparatory department of the Faculty of Medicine of Foreign Students from 26 countries took part in the organizational meeting with an online broadcast “Admission of Foreign Citizens in 2024”

On March 25th, 2024, our University welcomed the Minister of Health and Children's Protection from Zimbabwe

Invitation to the III Scientific congress Pedagogy and Psychology

VII Open Student Olympiad of Pavlov University in Anatomy

The student surgical society of our University took 3rd place at the qualifying stage of the XXXII Moscow International Student Surgical Olympiad named after acad. M.I. Perelman

On 16-18 may, 2024 our University will host a scientific conference dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M. G. Prives and the 125th anniversary of the founding of the Department of Human Anatomy

A meeting with representatives of the equipment manufacturer from China was held in our University

On February 14th, 2024 Sergei Fedorovich Bagnenko took part in the Forum of Future Technologies 2024

The student scientific society of our University took third place in the category “Best SSS of the University” in the second interregional competition of student scientific societies in the North-Western Federal District

Day of Russian Students 2024

On December 18,2023 a delegation from Chinese scientific and technological corporation visited our University

On December 11, 2023 the St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic named after D. D. Shostakovich held an Gala Day dedicated to the 126th anniversary of the University

On September 26, 2023, our University was visited by a delegation from the Bukhara State Medical Institute, headed by Rector Shukhrat Zhumaevich Teshaev.

Head of ENT department, professor S.A. Karpishchenko presented lectures the annual Republican scientific and practical conference with international participation: “Otorhinolaryngology at the present stage”

On November 30, 2023, an online organizational meeting of the remote preparatory department for foreign citizens was held

On October 16, 2023, a delegation from Samarkand State Medical University visited our University

On October 10th, 2023, delegation of Pavlov University visited the Bukhara State Medical University named after Abu Ali ibn Sina

Attention! Dear foreign Applicants!

Employees of Therapeutic and Periodontology Dentistry Department of Pavlov University took part in the First World Science Championship in Dubai.

Happy 126th Anniversary, Dear University!

A student of Pavlov University became the winner in the women's boxing competition as part of the International University Sports Festival

On August 31st, 2023 Pavlov University opened the doors for freshmen-2023!

The Ministry of Health named Pavlov University the most popular medical university!

Our University is again in the ranking of the best universities in Russia RAEX-100,2023

On May 25,2023, a delegation of the top management of a group of companies, headed by Vice President Li Caiwen, visited our University

Within the framework of the interstate program "One Belt - One Way", Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology took part in a number of scientific events in China

The Pre-Entrance Program Admission of Medical faculty for foreign student begin to work in 2023/2024 study year

On May 23,2023, a visit to our University was made by the Scientific Adviser of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, professor Hadi Gudarzi

On May 2, 2023 in auditorium N5, the opening of the First International Youth Oncological Forum "Gonka" took place.

On May 4-5, 2023 the XV Republican scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists with international participation "Problems and prospects for the development of modern medicine" was held


On April 3-7, 2023, the XIV All-Russian Conference with international participation "Week of Medical Education - 2023" was held.

On April 6, 2023, the final of the international contest of scientific works among students and young scientists “Youth Science. Courage and perspective” took place in St.Petersburg.

IX RUSSCO Conference "Lung Cancer and Other Tumors of the Chest" and the XX Conference "Actual Issues of Surgical and Therapeutic Pulmonology"

Delegation from Kyrgyz Republic visited Pavlov University on March 23d, 2023

Day of Russian Students

Happy New Year - 2023!

On December 9, 2022, Gala University Day-2022 took place in D.D.Shostakovich St.Petersburg Academic Philharmonia Hall, dedicated to 125th Anniversary of Pavlov University

On December 1st, 2022, an organizational online meeting of the distance preparatory department for foreign citizens was held

On October 28, the special event "Assess your risk" was held at Pavlov University.

On October 28, the final day of the Second All-Russian Scientific and Practical Congress with international participation "Endometriosis - 2022. St. Petersburg" was held

Student of Pavlov University was awarded a diploma of the President of the Russian Federation

World Anesthesia Day | flash mob "Children Save Lives"

Students of Pavlov University won the All-Russian Olympiad in the history of medicine among students of medical and pharmaceutical universities.

From October 1st, 2022, registration and submission of documents to the distance preparatory department for foreign citizens is opened.

On June 9-10th, 2022 the 21st Russian Congress (Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation) "Emergency Medical Care-2022" was held, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of our University.

How to get student visa for foreign student: 5 Steps to Obtaining Student Visa

Minister of Health of the Russian Federation , Mikhail Murashko

Pre-Entrance Program Admission of Medical faculty for foreign student begin to work in 2022/2023 study year

On April 15th,2022 , the XIX annual scientific and practical conference of the Northwestern Federal District "Topical issues of thoracic surgery, oncology and bronchology" was held in our University.

The first conference on infectious complications in hematological patients was held on 8-9th of April, 2022.

On March 11-12th, 2022 the VI North-West Hematology Forum "Modern aspects of the treatment of lymphoproliferative diseases and acute leukemia" was held.

Dear students!

Vaskelovo ice rink is opened now!!

On January 25-27,2022 the 14th international educational exhibition "Gaudeamus" was held in Prague.

Happy Student Day-2022!

Happy New Year-2022!

University Gala Day-2021

On November 24,2021, a videoconference was held between our University and "Rossotrudnichestvo" Russian House office in Brussels (Belgium) in the framework of the development of internationalization and export of Russian education.

Foreign students began their studies at the distance preparatory department of the medical faculty of foreign students.

Official visit to Tashkent-2021

On October 20-22, 2021, the Congress "Innovations in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology" was held

October 14-16th, 2021 the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Medical (Clinical) Psychology: Historical Traditions and Modern Practice" was held

Dear foreign Applicants!

On September 28th, 2021 vaccination of foreign students of our University has started. The vaccination place is deployed in the hostel number 4 at Roentgen str, 10.

the XV International Symposium “Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Children and Adults. Gene and Cell Therapy "

Our University is in the ranking of the best universities in the World-2022!

Priority 2030

Welcome to Student Life-2021!!

Attention to foreign students arriving from abroad in order to study in our University:

Graduation Day-2021


Dear applicants!

Our University became one of 10 medical universities included in the top-100 best universities in Russia according to Forbes.

Dear foreign applicants

Memorandum was signed between the Samarkand State Medical Institute and Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University.

On May 13-15, a scientific conference dedicated to the 80th birthday of Alexander Kirillovich Kosourov was held.

Victory Day-2021

Our University is in Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2021!

Please follow the current news

Festival "To Museum - Today, to Science - Tomorrow"-2021

Retaking the exam in chemistry for foreign students of the medical and dental faculties!

Happy Women's Day-2021!!!

International Brain Awareness Week 2021

Pavlov University took 9th place in Russian universities' ranking!

Dear students, parents and teachers!

Dear colleagues and friends!

Classes for foreign students started at the new Pre-entrance Program department in Distance format of the Medical Faculty of foreign students

Russian doctors help the colleagues from Palestine.

8th International Conference "Modern biotechnology for science and practice",dedicated to DNA Day 2021,will be held on April 22th - 23d, 2021 in St. Petersburg.

The Center for the Treatment of COVID-19 Infection started operations again in Pavlov First St.Petersburg State Medical University on November 1st, 2020.

Forum of Small Museums-2020

September 16-19, 2020 the XIV International Symposium in memory of R.M. Gorbacheva “Transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells. Gene and Cell Therapy "


Scientists have learned how to diagnose coronary heart disease by blood test

Welcome freshmen-2020!

Greetings from Mikhail Murashko!!

Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation "XII Pluzhnikov Readings" will take place on 7-8th September , 2020.

A meeting of the scientific and educational medical cluster of the North-West Federal District "Western" took place on July 7th, 2020.

Graduation Day-2020

The First International Congress "Multidisciplinary Aesthetic Medicine: Science, Practice, Beauty (SPB)" will take place on 25-28th of June, 2020

Dear students!

Appreciation letter-Alicia Agyemang Sarpong

University sincerely thanks the Chekhov Family restaurant group for their attention and support!

May 31st - World No Tobacco Day

Dear students!

17th May- World AIDS Day!

Our University received more than 200 patients with coronavirus with moderate and severe symptoms.

Attention! Admission Board for Foreign students begins to work in 2020/2021

The Center for the Treatment of COVID-19 Infection started operations in Pavlov First St.Petersburg State Medical University on April 30, 2020

Specialists of General and Clinical Psychology Department have made decision to offer psychological assistance to everyone for the period of self-isolation until 11/05/2020.

University thanks Finnish Supermarket Chain PRISMA for attention and support!

Our University took 95th place in "The Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2020".

Centre for treatment of Acute Cardiac Death will be opened in our University.

Interview with Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, professor Yaremenko A.I.

Please have a look at the interview with Rector of our University. Academician Sergey Bagnenko answers the questions about coronavirus COVID-19.

Speech of Yaitsky A.N. to foreign students of PSPbGMU:

Dear students!!

Our university is in the TOP 500

Russian Scientific and Practical Congress with international participation "Canis Therapy Today and Tomorrow"

Dear students-citizens of foreign countries!

ENT specialists from Finland visited our University on 13th of February 2020.

On January 24th , the University’s sports complex hosted the annual Tatyana’s Day sports event

Russian Scientific and Practical Congress with international participation "Canis Therapy Today and Tomorrow". took place on 7th-8th February 2020. We thank everyone for participation in this congress!

Attention! Prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection caused by 2019-nCoV!

Congratulations to medical students from Minister of Health of Russia Mikhail Murashko:

Attention to all students arriving from China!!!

Pavlov First St.Petersburg State Medical University wishes Happy New Year to all colleagues, students and friends!

University Gala Day took place on 9th of December, 2019. It was dedicated to the 122st Anniversary of our University.

Christian BYK from Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee of UNESCO visited our University on 2nd of November, 2019.

Pavlov First St.Petersburg State Medical University was visited by guests from Tehran on 7th of October, 2019.

University develops international relations.

Welcome to University!

A delegation from the Beijing Municipal Health Commission (China) visited our University on 18th of July, 2019.

International online conference "Modern aspects of diseases treatment in the maxillofacial field" will take place on 25th of April, 2019

Lecture: «The Matryoshka-type strategy of human pathogens and Japanese challenges of the elimination of parasitic diseases» will be held on 22nd of March, 2019 at 13.00 (MSK)

28th February -1st March, 2019: Second Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference of the Central Region of Russia with International Participation "Current issues of introducing innovative technologies into the practice of emergency medical care"

The conference “Dental education and science of the XXI century” took place on 25th -26th of January 2019

Happy Students’ Day!

Events dedicated to the International Day of DNA. April 25-26, 2019

Winter Universiade 2019 Krasnoyarsk, Russia

The Anniversary scientific-practical conference of dentists and maxillofacial surgeons will take place on 25th-26th of January, 2019

2nd  International Scientific and Practical Conference "Minimally invasive technologies in the treatment of pelvic prolapse and urinary incontinence among women"

University Assembly Day took place on 10th of December, 2018. It was dedicated to the 121st Anniversary of our University

ECNP Seminar 16-18 November 2018 Saint Petersburg (Russia)

We invite you to take part in International Scientific and Practical Conference “Dentistry of the 21st Century. Safe dentistry".

We invite you to take part in International Scientific and Practical Conference "Dentistry of the XXI Century" "Periodontology: realities and prospects. Problems and solutions"

The visit of Pavlov First St.Petersburg State Medical University delegation to Warsaw Medical University

Congress with international participation "Days of Rheumatology in St. Petersburg - 2018" on 1st -3rd November 2018

XXXII Annual Meeting of International Academy of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, X Jubilee Marius Plouzhnikov Memorial Lecturing

7 October 2018. 1th International scientific-practical conference "How to use ICF in rehabilitation"

XII International Symposium of Remembrance of R.M. Gorbacheva "Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: Gene and Cellular Therapy"

On 12th July 2018 the delegation from Central Southern University (China) visited our University

Visit of Canadian residents to the Department of Neurology on 18th -22nd  June, 2018

XVII Russian Scientific-Practical Conference with international participation "Emergency medical care - 2018"will be held from 31st May to 1st June 2018

April 26,27 2018. Events dedicated to the International Day of DNA

20 students from University of Kanazawa (Japan) visited our University on 19th of March, 2018

Web of Science Awards-2017 took place in Moscow on 15th of February 2018

Dear students! Please don't forget to apply for admission commission IN TIME!

Kanazawa University Kick-off Symposium for MEXT ’Inter-University Exchange Project’

Conference of Young Scientists with International Participation "Current Problems of Biomedicine - 2018" will be held in St.Petersburg on 12-13rd April, 2018

From 6th to 8th December 2017, VII International Youth Medical Congress "St. Petersburg Scientific Readings-2017" will be held in our University

From 17th to 20th October 2017, the 27th National Congress on Respiratory Diseases is held in St. Petersburg

On 16th November 2017, delegation from China visited our university

Today, on 26th September 2017, Our University celebrates 120th Anniversary from its foundation

26-28th March, 2018 II International Conference "Hemostasis, thrombosis and reproduction. Interdisciplinary approach"

We invite everyone to participate in the work of Scientific and Practical Congress with international participation "Kanis-therapy today and tomorrow"

International Scientific Conference "Actual problems of the development of higher medical education in Russia XVIII - XXI centuries"

Our Rector, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Sergey Fedorovich Bagnenko celebrated his 60th Anniversary on 22nd September.

On 2nd and 3rd November 2017, the 28th International Scientific and Technical Conference "Extreme Robotics (ER-2017)" was organized

From 19th to 22nd September 2017, the XXIV Congress of the Association of hepatopancreatobiliary surgeons of CIS countries "Actual problems of hepatopancreatobiliary surgery" took place in St.Petersburg

From 26th  to  28th October 2017, our University was the venue for International Scientific Congress "Innovations in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction"

From 14th to 16th September 2017, International Symposium took place in memory of R.M. Gorbacheva "Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Gene and Cellular Therapy”

On 2nd June 2017, the traditional festival "We are the future doctors of the world" was held in the concert hall of the Petrograd district Administration
